15 years 9/11

Today is the 15th anniversary of the warm demolition of the WTC asbestos towers, the blowing up of the anti-terrorism center and the SEC in WTC 7 and the destruction of many documents about corruption in high establishment positons in the accounting department of the Pentagon, aka 9/11.

Weiterlesen 15 years 9/11

Bombshell: No CW agent was found in environment samples from Moadamiyah

The proof is in the pudding! Yesterday we wrote about it already in German. The UN report on chemical weapons use in Syria says that their laboratories did find plenty of sarin in environment samples collected north-east of Damascus in Zamalka/Ein Tarma, but no CW agent was found in the environment samples taken south-west of Damascus in Moadamiyah.

Weiterlesen Bombshell: No CW agent was found in environment samples from Moadamiyah

What happened on the Jordan-Syrian border?

A couple of weeks ago, the wahhabi hasbara propaganda media was boasting in joy that there will be a big FSA terrorist force come from Jordan to conquer Damascus. However, those FSA terrorists from Jordan seem to have managed little more than kidnapping some Filipino peacekeepers in the Golan and now the wahhabi hasbara propaganda is conspicuously quiet in it’s joy over the developments on Syria’s southern front.

Weiterlesen What happened on the Jordan-Syrian border?

2012 Top-Ten Hatemongering / Zionist Slurs

Instead of a Foreword: To follow up the rules set by the Simon Wiesenthal Center we did not label this list „Wanted – Dead or alive!“ If someone will interpret the list of Simon Wiesenthal Center this way, and criminal action happens accordingly we are pretty sure, the Simon Wiesenthal Center would say that this was not intended and so do we.

Weiterlesen 2012 Top-Ten Hatemongering / Zionist Slurs

Syria Files – Draft of the Cairo declaration leaked

A US-written draft of the so-called “Final Statement for the Syria Opposition Conference” “Held in Cairo July 2-3, 2012″ was leaked. Here is the Cairo declaration draft – as Mein Parteibuch received it by a well-placed source under the condition of anonymity – as it was before the „fisticuffs“ of the US-lackeys fighting for the future position of the US-sponsored Syrian proconsul in Cairo started:

Weiterlesen Syria Files – Draft of the Cairo declaration leaked

Erdogan lost all legitimacy

Turkish prime minister Erdogan lost all legitimacy. The Turkish people is unwilling to go to war against Syria but Erdogan uses bloody provocations and bold lies to lead Turkey to war with Syria. Doing so Erdogan pleases his backers in Doha, Riyad and Washington, but betrays the Turkish people who would never elected him had they known that Erdogan would turn out to become a warmongering lackey of the zionists. There is nothing to hide anymore.

Weiterlesen Erdogan lost all legitimacy